How To Compare Two Local Repositories
How to compare two local repositories
In Git you can use, being in one of repositories
GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES=../repo/.git/objects git-diff-tree $(GIT_DIR=../repo/.git git rev-parse –verify HEAD) HEAD
if you want to compare current repository with ../repo/ repository.
In the obsoleted Cogito you would nearly exactly the same
GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES=../repo/.git/objects cg-diff -r
GIT_DIR=../repo/.git cg-object-id -c HEAD
GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES=../kubernetes.orgin/.git/objects git diff-tree –patch $(GIT_DIR=../kubernetes.orgin/.git git rev-parse –verify HEAD) HEAD
From tips.
How do I compare two git repositories?
- Solution 1
Since the two git repositories start out the same, you can pull both into the same working repository.
$ git remote add cvsimport-a git://.../cvsimport-a.git
$ git remote add cvsimport-b git://.../cvsimport-b.git
$ git remote update
$ git log cvsimport-a/master..cvsimport-b/master # in B, not in A?
$ git log cvsimport-b/master..cvsimport-a/master # in A, not in B?
- Solution 2
In one of your repos, do the following:
$ git remote add other-repo git://.../other-repo.git
$ git remote update
$ git log other-repo/master...master
# or maybe:
$ gitk master... other-repo/master
This gives you the symmetric difference between two repos; this shows you all of the commits that are in one repo, but not the other.
From stackoverflow