How To Find Patch Of A Bug
bug fix advisory
[RHBA] gives a list of bugs been fixed at that time. [RHBA]:
vmchannel thread consumes 100% of CPU
For example, [vmchannel] consumes 100% of CPU is a bug been fixed, the patch is on the page of bugzilla.
External Trackers
Tracker | ID | Priority | Status | Summary | Last Updated |
oVirt gerrit | 51840 | ovirt-3.6 | MERGED | virt: Correct epoll unregistration usage in vmchannels | 2016-01-15 08:49 EST |
oVirt gerrit | 51877 | ovirt-3.6 | MERGED | virt: Set cloexec flag on channel sockets 2016-01-15 | 08:48 EST |
Those tracker is the patches related with this bug.
We need to find the right “Priority” which related with our branch, and patch all those patches. [vmchannel]: