How To Limit The Size Of Directory
how-to limit the size of directory
Use file as a loop device
dd if=/dev/zero of=file.disk bs=1M count=50
losetup /dev/loop100 file.disk
mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop100
losetup -d /dev/loop100
mount -o loop file.disk ./dirSizeLimitted
losetup -l loop2
Can we have directory quota on Linux?
Great solution for a quick creation of quoted directories (for samba shares for example). This even allows for free space monitoring in the directories by Nagios or alike if needed. Thanks a lot folks!
Just wanted to sum things up, I had to dig around a bit to find the right commands.
1. create the mount point
# mkdir /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit
2. create a file full of /dev/zero, large enough to the maximum size you want to reserve for the virtual file-system
# touch /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3 bs=QUOTA_SIZE count=1
3. format this file with an ext3 file-system (you can format a disk space even if it is not a block device, but double check the syntax of every - dangerous - formatting command)
# mkfs.ext3 /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3
4. mount the newly formatted disk space in the directory you've created as mount point, e.g.
# mount -o loop,rw,usrquota,grpquota /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3 /path/of/mount/point
As a result you now have a directory in /path/of/mount/point with a size limitation.
If you wish to add more space to (trim the size of) the directory:
# umount /path/of/mount/point
# e2fsck -f /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3
# resize2fs -p /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3 NEW_SIZE
# mount -o loop,rw,usrquota,grpquota /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3 /path/of/mount/point
You add a line to the /etc/fstab file. For example:
/var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3 /path/of/mount/point ext3 0 1
* /var/virtual_disks/directory_with_size_limit.ext3 is the file you created containing the new file system
* /path/of/mount/point is the directory that you want to use and that should have limited size.