Setup Ovirt Using Ovirt Node Ng Installer
Setup ovirt with ovirt-node-ng-installer-x.iso
After install oVirt using ovirt-node-ng-installer-x.iso. We can access at port 9090 on a web admin page which we can deploy ovirt through button on UI.
If you fresh the page, setup process will be not visible.
# a process is running on host
root 10413 8470 17 02:59 ? 00:02:25 /bin/python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/otopi/ APPEND:BASE/pluginPath=str:/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/scripts/../plugins APPEND:BASE/pluginGroups=str:gr-he-common:gr-he-setup APPEND:CORE/configFileAppend=str:/tmp/he-setup-answerfile.conf "DIALOG/dialect=str:machine"
An error like “hosted_storage has been used” may be seen.
Logs are in “/var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-xxx.log”, after investigating into logs, a conf file named like “answers-20180104062406.conf” is used for setup.
OVEHOSTED_ENGINE/enableHcGlusterService=none:None OVEHOSTED_STORAGE/storageDomainName=str:hosted_storage
# update hosted_storage to hosted_storage2 to continue setup.
For this environment, a FC storage is been used for hosted_storage(which is not available for hosted-engine setup). So i setup a nfs storage for hosted_engine deploy.
setup through command line
hosted-engine --deploy --config-append=/root/answers-20180104062406.conf
# type in your choice for questions.
In the process of setup, it will install a rpm(about 900MB) from web, after installed, a ova file is found at “/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.2-20171219.1.el7.centos.ova”. If you have installed that package, you can skip that step.
setup a FQDN for setup
During deployment, a FQDN is asked for setup.If there is no DNS service. You can add a line like “ ovirt-engine.localdomain” to /etc/hosts. “” should be a IP can ping from host(after deploy, you can update IP to the IP you want).
if deployment is not success, hosted-engine VM will be deleted
You can stop the “hosted-engine” command, and do some fix, then resume “hosted-engine” command.
NFS tips
#check nfs been mounted
showmount -e
Export list for
/data/ovirt/iso *
some commands for debug
wget --no-check-certificate https://ovirt-engine.localdomain/ovirt-engine/webadmin
vdsm-client Host getStorageDomains
vdsm-client StorageDomain getInfo storagedomainID=9e106f82-6894-46df-886f-167a9d50078f
hosted-engine --add-console-password
# libvirt password
cat /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/virsh_auth.conf
sysctl kern.maxproc
kern.maxproc: 1044
sysctl -n kern.maxproc
FQDN是Fully Qualified Domain Name 修改/etc/hosts即可 通过hostname -F /etc/hostname更新主机名。通过hostname -f看到FQDN:
[root@localhost tls]# hostname -F /etc/hostname [root@localhost tls]# hostname -f
vnc password for hosted-engine vm
# log info during hosted-engine deployment.
[ INFO ] Creating VM
You can now connect to the VM with the following command:
hosted-engine --console
You can also graphically connect to the VM from your system with the following command:
remote-viewer vnc://ovirt4:5900
Use temporary password "9075mOWH" to connect to vnc console.
Please ensure that your Guest OS is properly configured to support serial console according to your distro
Follow for more info.
If you need to reboot the VM you will need to start it manually using the command:
hosted-engine --vm-start
You can then set a temporary password using the command:
hosted-engine --add-console-password
[ INFO ] Running engine-setup on the appliance
The redirection URI for client is not registered
URL: https://localhost:9000/ovirt-engine
This displays this error:
” The redirection URI for client is not registered “
Workaround (posted by Ravi on ovirt devel list)
Create a new conf file /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/99-sso.conf and add: SSO_CALLBACK_PREFIX_CHECK=false
then systemctl restart ovirt-engine
This will turn off the additional security check for the callback prefix.
hosts on Windows